This tutorial teaches you how to use the new CSS3 Flexbox box model to create responsive web layouts more effectively!
Created by Peter Sommerhoff. Last updated: 2/2018. English.
- Use CSS Flexbox confidently to create modern layouts.
- Create web site designs more effectively.
- Write high-quality and reusable CSS code.
- Vertically align any element.
- Take up the remaining space in a container.
- Beautiful responsive galleries with Flexbox.
- Implement the so-called Holy Grail Layout.
- Basic HTML & CSS.
- Using a code editor.
After this course, you’ll be able to use Flexbox to…
- vertically align any element.
- create modern grids.
- take up remaining space.
- add spacing between elements.
- implement complete site layouts.
- and much more!
- I’ll answer all questions you may have along the way to make sure you reach your learning goals.
- I’ve added manual, high-quality captions (CC) to this course.
- To see Flexbox in practice, 3 mini-projects will manifest your skills and enable you to use Flexbox productively in future web design projects.
Styling flex containers:
- flex-direction.
- justify-content.
- align-items.
- flex-wrap.
- align-content.
- order.
- align-self.
- flex-grow.
- flex-shrink.
- flex-basis.
- flex.
- Simple grids with Flexbox where all columns in a row have the same size.
- More advanced Flexbox grids where columns can have arbitrary sizes.
- Vertical centering to vertically align any element.
- Media objects, the popular OOCSS pattern.
- The Holy Grail Layout, a complete site layout with sidebars and sticky footer.
Additionally, I included the code for a Flexbox demo showcase — which is like an interactive cheat sheet for you to see in the browser that contains every property and every layout example from this tutorial.
Who this course is for:
- Web designers and developers who want to improve their frontend skills.
- Designers who want to increase their productivity.
- Anyone who wants to keep up with newest developments in web standards.